About Us
It is so nice to hear that folks like enjoy reading this part of the website! So, we shall continue with the segment! Here were the downs and dirties of 2024!!
It is so funny to talk about last year as we look ahead to this year!
But, to back up a bit, here is what we got into last year! January took Phil on his annual fishing trip to Canada! They caught some nice fish, and he brought back a nice lake trout too! February took Phil and I to Arizona with some dear friends of ours to go UTV riding. It was awesome! Well, until we got snow…. Yup. Had to go to Arizona to see snow last year seeing as last winter was the winter that wasn’t – until later in March when we got a little bit of snow. Phil and the guys had docks out the second week of March. March was gorgeous up here, so lots of things started happening early at the camp. It was cool seeing docks floating with snow on them! That’s Minnesota weather for you! What were we thinking- thinking we were going to have early spring! Go figure! At any rate, the trip was a blast, and the Arizona countryside was incredible! The guys were working in the store on the remodel job as well as starting on things outside. The store turned out great! The ceiling, fireplace and reception area are soooo nice!!!! However, the family harvested 3 turkeys for the spring hunt! We were able to open on time in May, and with that came grass seeding and lawn mowing! The summer was wonderful – great people, great times! In August, both the girls left for school and left us to our own devices! In September, Phil shot a really nice black bear! Rachel was helpful on the video so that we could see how excited he was! Some of our seasonal crew jumped in to help him load it – they are amazing! October took Phil and I north for some grouse hunting with friends! I have never been able to see those little buggers, but this year I shot my first grouse! Phil was a HUGE help in pointing them out to me – many, many, MANY times -so at least I got a few!! Phil also took his annual trip out west elk hunting with his buddies. No elk, but a LOT of moose were seen, as well as bears and other wildlife. All in all, he had a lot of fun watching all the animals, so that’s good! November was a bust with deer hunting for the girls and Phil here. Phil also took a trip to Oklahoma to go hunting with a buddy and came home with a beautiful white tail! It was his first time going there and I am certain it won’t be his last now! December was a whirlwind for us, as I am sure it was for everyone! We pray that you and your families have health, prosperity, and happiness this year! We can’t wait to see you!
Now, for the camp crew!

Phil worked for the State of Minnesota for 23 years before buying the campground and taking his family on this adventure. He was a member of the MN National Guard and served for 28 years. Phil is super handy and can fix almost anything! He has lots of projects going, as you can see in the park, most seeming to be going on all at the same time. When not running around the campground, he is running with the kids. Phil enjoys fishing whenever he can and hunting anything as much as possible! If you throw him an invite – and Coni gives her blessing – he might jump in the boat with you.

Coni worked as an educator for the Brainerd School District for more than 20 years before indulging her husband in this adventure! LOL! However, she still gets her kid fix by subbing for her former colleagues. She has lots of fun with the camping folks that come to spend time with them at the campground, and is always willing to listen to, or share a story. Coni does most of the reservations, and if you try to get ahold of her in the off season, she will get back to you either through email or phone. It may take a few days though, as she is still running around and may be working outside of the home.

Rachel, our oldest daughter, graduated with honors😊 from NDSU!!! So, it’s official – we are no longer empty nesters! Hahahahaha! True to her fashion, Rachel has already found a job and will be working at St. Gabriel’s Hospital in Little Falls until she gets accepted for Medical School. We are keeping our fingers crossed. She will be around to help us again this summer. Yahoo! Rachel is very responsible, organized, intelligent, quick witted and hardworking. She can help you with almost anything you need. Rachel is excellent in the store with people – so don’t worry, you are in good hands with her!

Amanda is our youngest daughter, a Sophomore at NDSU and is living her best life in Fargo! She is majoring in Manufacturing Engineering and doing an outstanding job in her studies! Amanda has enjoyed having her big sister at school with her and will be adjusting to life with just her friends – who are awesome – to keep her company! We are sure there will be trips to Fargo for a sisters’ weekend in the future! Amanda is intelligent, soft-spoken (until you get to know her), wickedly funny, direct, helpful and very responsible. Amanda will be interning somewhere this summer, and so we are not sure how much we will see her. However, you need not worry about this one; she’s all over it! Amanda knows everything about the store’s responsibilities and will tend to your needs/questions in a most expeditious manner.
Gus is our lab. Because he is a treat all by himself, he doesn’t need any from the camping folks. So please, just petting, go easy on the treats. Gus loves to swim in the lake, so much so that when he escapes his kennel he can be found swimming in it and refusing to come back. Not even for a treat. Once in a while, you may be privileged to see the rodeo that occurs when he goes rogue and heads for the lake. Gus enjoys people, and will take any petting that you would like to give him. He is not helpful though. However, he will like to see you.
Now for the rest of the crew!
Tammy is one of our dearest, closest friends who likes to help folks. Her full time job is working for the Crow Wing County Sheriff’s Department where she has been for almost 30 years. Tammy helps both inside and outside, but mainly inside where she keeps very busy! She can always be found with a rag in her hand cleaning something, organizing, taking reservations and keeping up on the emails. She keeps us on our toes and we adore her! Tammy grew up in the area with Phil, is married and has two adult children, and enjoys her grandchildren. She is happy to help you with whatever you may need.
Grammy Barb is Coni’s mom. She is rarely working at the campground, but when she is there, Barb can be found folding clothes, restocking things, answering phones and helping camping folks. Barb is always fun to be around and loves to chit chat with folks. If she is unable to help you with something, she will find someone who can.
Taylor is the son of our friends. He wanted to come to work for us and we are sooo happy that he chose to work this adventure with us! Taylor graduated from Brainerd High School last year and is now attending Central Lakes College. Taylor joined us last summer and worked part time. This summer he will be with us full-time! Taylor does a great job outside and can help you with whatever you may need – if he can’t, he will find someone who can! Taylor is fun, smart, kind, hardworking and funny. He enjoys being outdoors, playing golf, being with friends, and spending time on the lake.
Top 10 Things of 2024
Store was remodeled
New Playground Equipment
4th of July Car and Tractor Parade
Northern Lights
Sweatshirts were spotted in Alaska!
Seasonals won the Boat Parade
Amanda fell in the pool
Birthdays were had!
Phil got to drive a Corvette!